Educational Trainings
Our Services

Adult Mental Health First Aid is a general course for anybody 18+ to learn how to administer mental health first aid to the general population consisting of 2-hour pre-course work and a 5.5-hour virtual instructor-led course.
Mental Health First Aid Training is an evidence-based course in which you learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge and equips you with the proper skills to de-escalate any situation where somebody is experiencing a mental health challenge.
Our goal is to build mental health literacy and help communities identify, understand, and respond to signs of a mental health crisis

Youth Mental Health First Aid is intended for adults who commonly work with and/or interact with the youth population (i.e. teachers, youth leaders, pediatric clinicians, etc.).
Both courses are intended for individuals who are over the age of 18. Youth Mental Health First Aid Training is an evidence-based course in which you learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge that commonly affect the youth population and equips you with the proper skills to de-escalate any situation where a youth is experiencing a mental health challenge.
Also discussed are protective measures one can use when trying to proactively help youth experiencing a mental health challenge.

This is a FREE 1-hour training on Bystander Intervention Training, originally created by Right To Be, and brought to you in partnership with Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California.
This training equips one with the appropriate tools to empower one to make a change and channel our thoughts into simple, creative, and effective action. The tools taught in the training include learning how to respond, intervene, and mediate any harassment one may witness in our everyday life so that we can take care of ourselves and our community.